Immunity Through the Ages: Navigating the Science of Aging and Immunology
Have you ever wondered how immunology research helps cure diseases and save lives?
Join the UBC ImmunoTherapeutics Research Cluster in exploring & celebrating immunology!
Clinician-researchers & patient-partners come together to discuss immune-related diseases, current challenges, and novel & prospective advances in treatment
PANEL DISCUSSION | Science World Theatre, 12 PM - 1 PM
Researcher / Patient
Dr. Don Sin / TBD - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Dr. Ted Steiner / Dr Karen Sherwood - Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Dr. Graziano Oldani / Ms Christine MacArthur - Organ Transplantation
INTERACT WITH SCIENTISTS | 2nd Floor Atrium, 1 PM - 2:30 PM
Hands-on, family-friendly activities with prizes and giveaways!
Purchase a general admissions ticket for Science World and come say hi!