In this tasty make-and-take, students become kitchen science chemists by making simple pudding-in-a-bag, using only two ingredients, plastic baggies and their hands.
Putting different ingredients together to create something new (and delicious) means that a lot of chemistry happens in the kitchen. When we cook or bake, we mix together ingredients then use heat that makes them change into a new food. It can be exciting to watch something in an oven to see how it changes- that change is chemistry in action!
Students can also become kitchen astronauts!
Since water is heavy, food that is brought into space is dehydrated; that means the water is taken out of them. This way, astronauts can bring up more food and more easily store it. When it's time to eat in space, water is added, food may be heated and then enjoyed. This makes pudding-in-a-bag convenient for both astronauts and kindergarteners alike!

These activities are part of Science World’s Big Science For Little Hands program. They were developed and tested with preschool and kindergarten educators. Some of the activities are done in stations.
Mysterious Mixtures PDF from Big Science For Little Hands.