It’s not magic, it’s cooperation!
In this activity, students use topology and cooperation to untangle themselves from each other.
They’ll have to use lateral thinking and topology to untangle themselves from their partners.
Topology is the mathematical study of shapes and spaces. It involves looking at the shapes that result through stretching, transforming, deforming, folding and twisting. Tearing, on the other hand, is not allowed!
Magic is something that seems otherworldly or mysterious. Magicians entertain us by creating the illusion that they have strange and mysterious powers.
In the world around us, we can get by without having a good understanding of how everything works. For many of the complicated gadgets that we use, the science is hidden inside the “black box”. So it may seem to work “like magic”. Science-fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke claimed that “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”. If we understand why things happen based on our observations or previous knowledge, things don’t seem as magical anymore.